Monday, August 6, 2012

How We Met and Other Musings

I met Pathrick on a hot sunny day in July, 9 years ago. My, my, my, how time flies! I started at a new job and this cute young man avoided me like the plague! Hmm... I guess I have to kill him with kindness, I thought. I started greeting him every morning at the time clock and you can tell he was a little thrown off by that. But I secretly loved it. I knew the instant I laid eyes on him he was, "different". Little by little, he grew more comfortable around me during our time at work and one day he asked me out to lunch. "Yes!" From there on we were iinseparable. I lived 45 minutes away and he would drive to meet me morning, noon and night... I loved how he would drop everything to see me even if it was for a little while. We would steal kisses at work when nobody was looking, it was totally cute. We would be in love forever after that.
And They Lived Happily Ever After... 

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